類別 : Restaurant 場地網址 地址 : 九龍灣偉業街33號德福廣場1期G54號舖 地區 : 九龍灣 區域 : KLN
Venue Type : Restaurant Venue Website Address : Shop G54 G/F Telford Plaza Phase One 33 Wai Yip Street Kowloon Bay District : 九龍灣 Region : KLN
備註 / Remarks : Maxim's Palace is one of the Maxim's Group's most luxurious banqueting venues. The food is renowned for its quality Cantonese dim sum and specialties, with over a hundred classic Cantonese dim sum and delicacies on offer every day, providing you with a palatial treat. With seven outlets, Maxim's Palace is conveniently located in a prime location, making it the perfect place to gather for a dinner party.