類別 : Restaurant 場地網址 地址 : 尖沙咀彌敦道100號The ONE 13樓 地區 : 尖沙咀 區域 : KLN
Venue Type : Restaurant Venue Website Address : 13/F, The ONE, 100 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, HK District : 尖沙咀 Region : KLN
備註 / Remarks : Dazzling crystal 360-degree rotating stage 100-foot catwalk runway that can rise from the ground for the bride's romantic grand entrance Full floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking a 180-degree view of fireworks displays Extra-high 23-foot ceiling with a great sense of space and style 300-inch HD LED TV Located at The One, the latest all-in-one retail complex in Tsim Sha Tsui, The One (The Palace) Restaurant is equipped with ten unprecedented venue facilities featuring the one and only 100-foot catwalk runway that can rise from the ground, the 360-degree double revolving stage, the 300-inch LED HD TV screens, the romantic fiber optic ceiling, among many other facilities. It is the perfect banquet venue to bring great surprises and unforgettable memories to the newlywed and their guests!